My loves runs through a lineage, and my love runs across so many things.
The animal space, is one area the light touches and that I can bring to the light to create a collective healing.
My mission supports the reverence and respect for the animals in the most sacred esteem through telepathy. It is also about healing the collective for any animals who have been exploited, taken for granted or abused. And being the microphone to turn up the volume to the voices of these beings.
Like an electrical outlet, your animal and I plug into one another, creating a pathway to exchange information back and forth.
I can verbally hear them, I may feel things in my physical body (like a sensation where they are carrying pain or disease), or experience a detailed vision of what your animal wants me to see (like a movie reel).
It’s like an advanced text messaging system that allows
us to send and receive messages to each other.
My work is rooted in love and deep respect for all living beings.
I believe that through serving and giving back to animals, we create an impact on the world. I give you direct access to who they are, what they need and why they are here.
I can see, feel and experience detailed visuals of what your animal’s soul shows me (like a movie reel playing before my eyes). I travel into the chambers of their soul, where they unlock the deepest parts of their being and the memories inside (including past life, future projections, spirits or guardian angels around them or their specialties and gifts in this lifetime).
Non-diagnostic medical intuition, emotional imbalance (such as trauma, anxiety and aggression) and the three pillars of transition, are a few of my important roles. I have an ability to scan their external and internal body, to pinpoint specific areas where they are carrying pain or disease.

Communication is the keystone to any relationship.
keystone 4)
/kẽ'ston" /
1. The central wedge-shaped stone of an arch that locks its parts together.
2. The central supporting element of a whole.
3. The stone that sits directly in the center of an arch and helps to interlock all of the other stones in place, while bearing the least amount of weight. If someone were to remove the keystone, the arch would fall apart, as this stone is a fundamental part of the whole structure.
My Spiritual Backbones
When we work together, you are automatically appointed my spiritual team.
This is Rugby. He is 28 and a master healer. We also knew each other in a past life. Our love was beyond time and space. Rugby is the closest soul I have ever been connected to, more than any human.
Rugby gives you the invitation to step into a thread of connection, feeling a continuous stream of nonexistent time. You enter a very sacred bubble.
Rugby’s Gifts in This Lifetime…
Rugby has taught me the pillars of transition (the passing of the torch, guardian angels and heavens, and wants and wishes) as an animal goes through it and are a staple in my transition work.
He feels duty and spiritual service to my path, and to the journeys of anyone who my path touches.
Distance telepathy. This built the connection to connect spiritually when apart, for preparation for transition.
I had the incredible opportunity to hang in his inter realm and be taught by him.
He taught me about guardian angels and the animals happy place or heaven. How to access this realm, and how animals will show me.
The openness we experience together is something we’re bringing to the collective. It’s a gift and we’re passing it along to those who may not have experienced this quality of love before and who is also seeking it.
His soothing and graceful temperament creates a container which increases your safety and trust.
He’s a teacher. You can’t pull one over on him.
Relationships are infinite.
Profound protection
Transition specialist.
Past life specialist and wound specialist.
Emotional transmutation specialist.
Generational karma and dehydration specialist.
Elsie uses angel white light, she uses gold, turquoise, amethyst and smokey quartz.
Promotes higher ascension through light codes and light beams.
Dream telepathy
Elsie’s Gifts…
Boundary wisdom
Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient
Transmutes chakra and auric wounding
Maternal lineage healer
Fear-based alchemy
Spiritual agreements and how to honor them
Present moment emergencies (the art of listening and responding)
Present projector
Can bridge you to a spirit that’s crossed over through
Can tell you what’s wrong in another horse’s body
Native American Spirit
Connects to guardian angels
Rehabilitation expert
Collective conciousness
Lives outside, retired