Oliver & Penni
“To truly understand what Oliver and Penni are thinking, who they are as animals and what they see as their purpose was an amazing gift. Penni is wonderful, very sweet, but can be a TOUGH 3 year old if she is treated like a “normal” dog. Meghan’s insight into who Penni is and her purpose in our lives brings a new focus on how we treat her. Per Penni’s request Meghan let us know to take our time with her, express and talk about everything. We spend so much more time explaining things to her and going slow and she is responding so much better. One of our major issues with Penni was her issues with loud bangs/fireworks/ thunderstorms. She would shake and pant for hours. Within a week of working with Meghan, she went from shaking and panting for hours to just wanting to be next to us. She even asked us to make a special “fort” with pillows in certain locations so that she would feel safe. Penni also was a dog who never WILLINGLY goes into the lake. She went into the water for the first time with Meghan here and despite what we thought, really wanted to learn about water and get comfortable before expanding beyond that. After Meghan spoke with her, Penni now jumps in the shallow part of the lake, chases sticks in the water, and voluntarily jumps in the boat.
Oliver is very expressive, but we never understood the extent of his humor, his love for his animal friends, his gifts, and his immense gratitude for everything. The greatest gift we received was information about Oliver’s wishes once he is not longer physically with us. Oliver has grown up with my children and is such an integral part of our family and as it sunk in for each of us, we have changed a lot of things to make the most of every day with him and to give back to him as he has so generously given to us. This is invaluable for each of us in our own way especially since he is still active and able to enjoy the changes. We are living with so much more gratitude as a result.”
- Dave, Jennifer, Katelin & Tevor, Massachusetts