"My horse, Balou, immediately started to send Meghan images of whales and kept going back to it.
Just days after the devastating event that we both recently experienced, I was on a planned whale watching trip and the whale encounters we had were unlike any I've ever experienced before - pod after pod kept playing next to the boat and waving at us - the crew said they had rarely seen anything like it. It brought me peace at a time when my anxiety was at an all-time high and I now realize that Balou was letting me know it didn't happen by accident.
Balou told Meghan about our plans to build him a new stall and made a configuration request that matches our sketches/plans.
Once he felt comfortable, Balou began to share with Meghan some of the horrific details of what he witnessed and what happened.
Meghan conveyed to me specific animals (including their sex, color, and life events) that were involved - none of this information has been reported anywhere publicly and the accuracy was astounding.
Balou shared that he loves his nickname and even spelled it out for her! We are at a new barn and no one knows this special pet name."