
“So Lobo had his rays today and they should what you said about his bones on his spine. The doctor was glad we found it because it would lead to pain like you said. So tonight started him on gabapentin and that combined with his rimadyl is a great combination to help with the pain of his situation. He is trying to rest but he is definitely in pain tonight probably from being positioned and moved around for the xrays. I just want you to know how grateful i am that you were able to communicate his needs to me so i could get him help!! Thank you with all my heart!!

This is my handsome boy Lobo. Meghan has come to our house multiple times over the past few years. The gift she has is beyond anything i could ever have believed id have the opportunity to experience. Upon this most recent visit Lobo was able to communicate his health/medical needs and i took them seriously and brought him to the vet. Im fortunate to have an amazing veterinarian who listened to me and did the testing i requested. The results were what Lobo had wanted me to know about to be able to help him. He has started a new medication and we will follow up to help manage his pain. Meghan has truly helped my family and i look forward to continuing to work with her in the future!”



