“My sister introduced Meghan to a couple of the pigs without intention of speaking to them, just showing her around the farm. I asked if Meghan wanted to say hello, and feed the pig a marshmallow. Of course, she said yes. When Meghan fed the pig a marshmallow, there was a dialogue that was relayed to me verbally from the pig herself. I did not disclose any information to her prior about the pig, and the pig mentioned to Meghan that she was pregnant and that she was going to have 6 babies. The pig said for Meghan to tell us she was sick and wasn’t doing well, needed help, as she could pass after she gave birth. The pig had one pig naturally, and hours passed and no more babies came out. We had a few pig experts come, and they couldn't help pull them out. The mom ended up passing away. We delivered 6 live babies shortly after that. What are the chances? Meghan mentioned she could sense an alpha coyote on the hunt, and that night, after she left, the coyote took one of the chickens. Her gift is truly amazing. So many details, and so many oh my god, how would she know that type of thing? There is no way that just anyone would know that besides her.”