
"My mom then hired her, and her dog spilled the beans about a trip. My mom had bought tickets for them to go to Florida in a week for her birthday. It was going to be a surprise for my sister, but the dog couldn't hold it in. Meghan met most of my family and her animals. I asked Meghan to come to my family’s farm. A few select animals, the cow Stella, who was pregnant at the time. We were concerned about her because her first baby passed away, and the second baby she didn't take care of so we wanted to understand what would happen. We didn’t tell Meghan any of this. Meghan was communicating and Stella told her she lost a baby and was upset about losing her. She even mentioned that Stella told her she lost the baby in the month of May. It was the exact month Stella had lost her baby. The baby she was pregnant with now, Stella the cow said she would actually take care of it. Stella actually took great care of her, just as she told Meghan she would.” 

